MTR Group, LLC

Auto Transporting

Auto Transporting done right!!!

Hello, Future Auto Shipper

We can help you ship your vehicle within the United States. We also have partners who can help you ship globally as well. We have been in the auto transporting industry since 2007. We started out as a carrier only but now specialize in both sides of the auto transporting industry.

Our specialists that were once in this part of the vehicle industry are the BEST at shipping vehicles. It’s important to know you’re in good hands with regard to auto shipping. It’s an industry where 50% of drivers fail and you don’t want to ship with one of those companies. MTR is ready to protect you and your MTR vehicle.

Nationwide Auto Transporting is a very simple service to relocate your vehicle. We ship for any and everyone with 100% insurance coverage.

Auto Transporting Services


Let’s get into the quoting part of auto transporting as it’s where many customers start and stop the auto transporting process. Most customers that need a quote for auto transporting just want an idea of the cost. They might be thinking about moving their vehicle or they might be looking to purchase a vehicle. So when they find this out half of the customers stop and either come back to it later with another quote or don’t have a need to ship.

Now, let’s assume that isn’t you and you actually need to ship a vehicle or two. Online quoting in general is misguided. Most of the companies out there quote very low to get you hooked. Then when it comes time to ship it they’ll hit you with more charges. They do this because it works. Think about planning a shipment 2 weeks out and you’re at the day of pickup with a flight to catch and the customer tells you it’s an extra 25-50% to ship your vehicle.

Now you’re in a tough spot because your options are limited. You now have to decide to start the search over again and risk missing your flight etc. So most customers will just let the bad shipping service get away with it and have no choice but to ship it. Others will cancel and run the possibility of having to change their travel plans.

This is actually how we get some of our business. When other transporters fail the customer digs a little deeper into the search and will find our services. We don’t advertise much so it’s usually a more local customer in need of auto transport.

So basically toss out the lower quotes and ask some questions to get the answers you need to choose a well-rounded auto shipper. Most customers ship a vehicle once or twice in a lifetime so it’s best to do it with the right company.

Besides the quoting process and price-related questions. Customers also ask about adding items to the vehicle. If you talk to any other transporter they’ll tell you that you can add 100 lbs to your vehicle when auto transporting but this isn’t true. The DOT does not allow ANY carrier or broke to allow any items in the vehicle. So if a driver is stopped the DOT official can take the items out and throw them away.

With that being said 99% of customers will add items to make their move easier. They usually add nonvaluable items like clothing or something they’ll need while waiting for other goods to be shipped using a different household shipping service. We try to be safe and if you do add your belongings to your vehicle try to keep it around 50 lbs to avoid any problems with the driver at pickup. Also, keep it under 1/4 of a tank of fuel.

For more info check out the Auto Shipping HUB and their page about adding items to a vehicle while shipping. Link

Auto Transporting

We’ll continue with our Auto Transporting page by saying if you have anymore questions to please reach out to us using our quoting system. That way we can directly communicate with you and help with any questions they we didn’t touch on. Thanks for visiting MTR GRP

Find some of our auto transport reviews to better understand what we are about. Thanks

MTR GRP, LLC | MC1492661/DOT3984121

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